Zanjireh Omid Videos

Along with the Zanjireh Omid in a journey full of ups and downs
Let's put a smile on her childhood face.
Amirali's story
Amirali is one of our patients in Zanjireh Omid who is trying to get her health back.
Haniyeh's story
Haniyeh is one of our patients in Zanjireh Omid who is trying to get her health back.
Zanjireh Omid's pediatric hospital
Construction stages of the 540-bed Zanjireh Omid's pediatric hospital
Omid Story/ Negar
Negar is a hopeful girl who, with her perseverance and the efforts of our doctors and occupational therapists, was able to regain her ability to walk and walk. We hope that we can see the smile on her beautiful face.
Omid Story/ Balal
Balal is our cute and lovely boy in Zanjireh Omid. He is a symbol of endless effort. We hope that with a full recovery, his beautiful smile will always be on his face.
Omid Story/ Preparation of food packages
In addition to the importance of children's health, we are also thinking of providing some food packages for them. Your cooperation with Zanjireh Omid will cause hope to these children.
Omid Story/ Amirali
Amirali is one of the children of Zanjireh Omid from Jiroft, he came to Zanjireh Omid with his mother in a wheelchair from the first day. As his mother said, since he was 2 years old, he had been visited by many doctors and he was even operated by an orthopedist. Now he has come to Zanjireh Omid, he is 12 years old and can stand on his own feet. According to the diagnosis of our doctors, he walked with a walker during the first 2 weeks of the operation, and then with the help of his mother, finally he was able to walk by himself. Amirali is a symbol of a strong and hard-working boy who was able to cure himself to a great extent with his own efforts and the help of his mother and sub-specialist doctors.
Omid Story/ Hadiseh
Hadiseh is one of the hardworking and intelligent children of Zanjireh Omid who got to know this institute through the United Nations. Hadiseh is now 9 years old and was born prematurely, In addition to the dislocation of the pelvis, she had a huge arch in the lumbar region. The dislocation of the pelvis was treated with surgery and the spine was treated to some extent with pre-op rehabilitation services. Zanjireh Omid's occupational therapy unit is focused on strengthening the muscles and strengthening her function so that she can walk normally after the operation. Hadiseh likes to walk early and tries her best for treatment. She learned the exercises herself and has very good cooperation with the treatment staff. Hadiseh wants to become an occupational therapist in the future. Now she is looking forward to the future with the help of her mother, sub-specialist doctors, and experienced treatment staff of Zanjireh Omid and with the help and efforts of benefactors.
Omid Story/ Dorsa
Little Dorsa has joined Zanjireh Omid for about 1 month and she is a very smart, curious, and active girl. According to the doctor's diagnosis, one of her hands has a brachial plexus problem or Erb's paralysis. We are happy, even though she only received occupational therapy here for 1 month, the range of motion and strength of her hand has improved significantly, and we are doing our best to improve her hand to the point where she does not need surgery, Then we can see that this curious and smart girl can do many things with her hands.
Omid story/ Ali
Little Ali is our five-year-old friend in Zanjireh Omid. Ali comes to his home almost every year to receive sub-specialized services from surgery to rehabilitation. Little Ali is sweet, hardworking and lovable, his full recovery and health is the wish of all of us in Zanjireh Omid.
Omid story/ Reyhaneh and Ali
Reyhaneh and Ali are siblings and our guests. Reyhaneh has an amazing talent in drawing. Although she has not been trained in painting, she is capable and knows the basic principles such as dimensions, gender, depth, etc. subconsciously. As the old saying goes, her hand sticks to the pen. Although she has practiced with black pencil for many years, she knows colors well and her world is colorful. Ali also lives in the world of his sister's colors. He cannot draw, but he tries to be the hero of his sister's paintings.
Omid story/ Parsa and pouria
Parsa and Pouria who were the lovely brothers, were our guests in Zanjireh Omid. Parsa and Pouria revived hope in us once again, they tried to fight their disease incredibly. When our friends and colleagues wanted to record the moment of Parsa and Pouria standing, we were so happy like their mother and rehabilitation colleagues.The little heroes taught everyone to stand and looked into our eyes and the sun of hope rose again.
Omid story/ Kousar
Kousar with her beautiful eyes is our guest in Zanjireh Omid. She has always smile on her beautiful face. In Zanjireh Omid, we have been walking slowly and steadily with Kousar for years until the day we see her running, jumping and searching like a child.
Omid story/ Mohammad Mostafa
Mohammad Pars is one of our old friends in Zanjireh Omid. He has been our guest since he was two months old until now, he is about seven years old now, in these years he has come to his home many times, whether for his small heart surgery or for speech therapy. Mohammad Mostafa has heroically gone through one after the other the path of suffering and hardship, and today, he is slowly taking his steps on the path of a life full of light and joy. With the efforts of his mother, the cooperation and unique actions of experienced doctors and the highly specialized treatment staff of Zanjireh Omid, he is hopeful for the future. Mohammad Mustafa, little hero of Zanjireh Omid, we are always with you.
Omid story/ Mehrsana
Seven-year-old Mehrsana is our sweet daughter in Zanjireh Omid. She is cute and wants to be the hero of her own life story. See the narration of her days:
Holding a dental clinic - June 2023
The first specialized session of the orthodontic clinic of Zanjireh Omid International Charity was held in order to implement the treatment protocol for cleft lip and palate, treatment of the jaw, palate and teeth of children. Dr. Mohsen Shirazi, an orthodontic specialist, along with the medical team and staff, Dr. Yasmin Jalali and Hedieh Jahan examined seven children.

Omid story/ Hasti
Hasti is one of the children of Zanjireh Omid who heroically fought with her pain for hours and days and months and years and today she is taking the steps of victory with a smile on her face.
Omid story/ Mohammad Parsa
Mohammad Parsa is one of the children of Zanjireh Omid, whose smile is as sweet as sugar and as hopeful as snow and rain. Mohammad Parsa, our hero of this week, was able to overcome the difficult and complex orthopedic disease with the efforts of the doctors and therapists of Zanjireh Omid Institute. The story of Mohammad Parsa shows that with determination and perseverance, nothing is impossible and great achievements can be achieved. This is an example for all of us to stick to our dreams and make every dream come true with perseverance.
Omid story/ Hannaneh
Hannaneh is one of the girls of Zanjireh Omid, whose smiles encourage us for the right things we have done and should do in the future. She came to Zanjireh Omid with Cleft lip and palate problem. With the support of her mother, the committed and volunteer medical group of Zanjireh Omid and donors, today she is close to her desired result. As her mother says, after doing two successful sub speciallized operations, she has been using the speech therapy services of Zanjireh Omid for 5 years.
Omid Story
Amirreza is one of our lovely kids in Zanjireh Omid. He can stand on his feet now with his own effort and also the efforts of the doctors and medical staff of Zanjireh Omid. He is our hero.
Pediatric Cardiac Mortality Rate Reduction Project (NICU)
Zanjireh Omid International charity institute after assessing and analyzing the different reasons for the cardiac mortality rate among neonates after surgery, decided to implement the project to reduce the cardiac mortality rate, at Children Medical Center.

Video Report ; La Chaine De L'espoir's directors visited Zanjireh Omid
Video Report ; La Chaine De L'espoir's directors visited Zanjireh Omid

interview with Dr.Mirzaaghaiyan-cardiac specialist
interview with Dr.Mirzaaghaiyan-cardiac specialist
Soraya, a refuges child treated by Zanjireh Omid could stand on her feet for the first time
Soraya, a refuges child treated by Zanjireh Omid could stand on her feet for the first time

Zanjireh Omid, a house for underprivileged and sick children
Zanjireh Omid, a house for underprivileged and sick children
Zanjireh Omid's free medical examination program
Zanjireh Omid's free medical examination program

Zanjireh Omid international charity institute's medical care services
Zanjireh Omid international charity institute's medical care services