Orthopedic Services of Zanjireh Omid International Charity Institute

Orthopedic Services of Zanjireh Omid International Charity Institute

Free Diagnostic Clinics
Zanjireh Omid's social workers create health record files for children with orthopedic problems if they meet the age requirements. Following their admission procedure, they are visited by volunteer doctors at a free diagnostic clinic of Zanjireh Omid. After their examination, if needed, the patient would be schedule to have an appointment with other doctors and Zanjireh Omid would follow up their treatment procedures. These clinics are held at Zanjireh Omid Institute, volunteer doctors’ offices, clinics of partner hospitals.

Orthopedic Clinics
Orthopedic clinics consists of three subspecialties: Hand orthopedic clinics, lower limb orthopedic clinic and spine clinic which are held by volunteer doctors of Zanjireh Omid institute all year round.

Surgical procedures: after primary medical examination, volunteer surgeons of Zanjireh Omid will operate on patients who require spine, hand, leg or pelvic surgery by using Top medical equipment and in accordance with international standard protocols. 

Projects of Zanjireh Omid International Charity Institute in Orthopedic Field
Treatment and Surgery of Scoliosis Patients (severe spine curve)
Treatment and surgery of Zanjireh Omid's Scoliosis Patients was conducted by using nerve-monitoring device for the first time in Iran.
Patients suffering from severe spine malformations (also known as scoliosis) deal with numerous problems including: disability in doing their daily tasks, reduction of lung capacity, risk of paralysis and death in some cases due to high pressure on spine.
Zanjireh Omid Charity Institute provided the required facilities to operate on these children in order to help them have a better future. A group of these patients who had severe spine deformity, insufficient lung capacity and pressured spinal cord, could not normally been operated on in Iran. The surgery cost of each of the patients is estimated to be over 200 Million Tomans outside of the country. After purchasing the Nerve Monitoring System by Zanjireh Omid, many of these surgeries were performed in Iran at a very low cost. This device is used for monitoring the nerve system of all scoliosis patients during the spine surgery.

Another objective of buying this device was to train Iranian doctors how to utilize it on patients in Iran. The Iranian doctors were trained by Dr. Masri Zada (a famous neurologist who has had 20 years of experience working with Nerve Monitoring System in France).

Successful Surgery of Chest with «NUSS» Device for the First Time in Iran by the Medical Team of Zanjireh Omid Charity Institute
This surgery was done for the first time by «Donald Nuss» in 1990. In this surgery inside of the chest is scanned by Thoracoscopy camera and, the chest deformity is corrected with a special device. This disease, called «Pectus Excavatum» is caused from the abnormal growth of several ribs and sternum. It puts pressure on the heart and lungs and can cause breathing issues for the patient. The applied device for this surgery was purchased and imported to Iran by Zanjireh Omid Charity Institute and used by the Institute’s surgery team for the first time.

Toe to Thumb Transfer Surgery 
This type of surgery is one of the subspecialized operations performed by the surgery team of Zanjireh Omid on children with upper limb malformations. This surgery is applied for congenital upper limb anomalies, absent thumb (Oligodactyly ), and damaged fingers . During this microscopic surgery, toe is completely transferred on to the thumb with all the associated blood vessels, nerves, bones and tendons using microscopic magnification. If this complicated organ transplant surgery is successful, the patient is able to grab objects with help of the transplanted finger.Up to date, several successful toe to thumb transfer surgery have been carried out by Zanjireh Omid's hand surgery team.

Establishment and Equipment of Children's House project

One of the other achievements of Zanjireh Omid Charity Institute is the establishment and equipment of children's house including physiotherapy clinic based on exclusive pediatric protocol and a cleft palate clinic.

The main objectives of the opening of this center include accommodation, provision of special healthcare services for Iranian and refugee patients residing outside Tehran province with no access to standard treatments in their hometown, pre and post-op medical services for children, pediatric physiotherapy services and rehabilitation under supervision of institute’s doctors and dentistry clinic for cleft palate project.
Considering the fact that supported patients of this institute are from underprivileged families and many of them come from other provinces to Tehran for treatment, the establishment of this center would have the following social advantages:
1. Reduction of hospitalization costs by reducing term of hospitalization.
2. Due to financial problems of patients' families living in other provinces and lack of accommodation facilities in Tehran, they usually do not continue their children's treatment process and return to their home city. As a result, this center will provide children and their mothers accommodation during and after their treatment process
3. Provision of a psychologically safe environment for patients.
4. Provision of educational programs for elementary school to help them catch up with school syllabus
5. Short term training courses such as life skill, social abuses, and nursing programs for mothers

Pediatric Rehabilitation Center of Zanjireh Omid at Children's House: 
Physiotherapy Unit
Zanjireh Omid International Charity Institute established a physiotherapy center to address the need for pediatric physiotherapy services in the community.  This center provides complementary physiotherapy services to children supported by Zanjireh Omid, applying latest pediatric medical protocols compatible with international standards and most up-to-date pediatric physiotherapy facilities in order to treat most prevalent disorders and anomalies among Iranian children. 
Zanjireh Omid's Subspecialized Physiotherapy Unit, as one of the most modern and state-of-the-art physiotherapy centers in Tehran provides necessary complementary therapies for infants, children and adolescents supported by Zanjireh Omid International Charity Institute.
Physical and Mental Occupational Therapy Unit of Zanjireh Omid 
This unit, in its effort to reach its medical goals, provides healthcare practices, which involve prevention of joint deformities, correction of body postures, maintenance of maximum mobility, and teaching necessary precautions for performing daily tasks in case of limbs numbness. 
Zanjireh Omid's occupational therapists have received pediatric-related trainings. They include game plays in their therapy session and pay utmost attention to the emotional, psychological and physical needs of patients. 
Speech Therapy unit 
This unit deals with the repair of communication skills as an essential and crucial set of skills for individuals and the society. The goals of this unit are as follows:
Improving communication with family and people surrounding the patient.
Improving voice production to make child's words more understandable 
Improving oral motor exercises to improve speech production, eating, and swallowing. 
Improving self-sufficiency  through establishing contact with the environment and …

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