Reconstructive Surgery cCnsultation Clinic on Fitr Holiday

Saturday, July 8, 2017

A reconstructive surgery consultation clinic was held by Dr. Hamireza Fathi, a Pediatric plastic surgeon on May 27 at Children's House of Zanjireh Omid charity institute. 32 patients from different parts of the country were examined by the doctor.  10 patients were scheduled to undergo surgery by Dr. Fathi and Dr. Selim bennasuer, a volunteer French plastic surgeon at CMC, Norafshar and Amiralam hospital in the next few days.
Dr fathi is an associate professor at Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) holding reconstructive clinics at Zanjireh Omid occasionally. Dr salim Benasseur is an acclaimed plastic surgeon in France who has performed several severe cases successfully.

49 reconstructive clinics have been held since the foundation of the institute and 999 reconstructive cases have been visited by French and Iranian doctors so far. Among them, 100 cases have had successful surgeries

All surgery costs are covered by donations and free volunteer participation of Iranian and French doctors.
Number of patients had severe burns requiring couple of surgeries. Some suffered from cleft palate needing post-surgical orthodontic treatment to fully recover. Treatment of cleft palate is performed at different age range through various methods in Iran; however, the treatment results are not satisfactory due to lack of a solid treatment protocol in the form of an expert team.

To adopt a single protocol based on global standards; Zanjireh Omid formed a team composed of plastic surgeon, genetic counselor, cardiologist, speech therapist, audiometrist, ear-nose-throat surgeon, and orthodontist. This helps children to recover and have a normal life. 
Some of the cases suffered from head and facial deformity. One of the patients required a complicated type of surgery. Due to the complexity of the procedure, Zanjireh Omid specialist would perform the operation. 
The schedules of future clinics in cardiac, orthopedic and reconstructive field will be announced via Telegram and other social media. 


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