International conference to support the refugee protection in the presence of Zanjireh Omid charity

International conference to support the refugee protection in the presence of Zanjireh Omid charity

Thursday, August 28, 2014

According to the public relations of Zanjireh Omid charity, the conference was held in the presence of the president assistant, active NGOs in refugee affairs, the U.N. high commissioner refugee representatives and also the foreign refugee department of Ministry of Interior in Tehran Homa hotel.

In the conference the president’s assistant in women affairs mentioned: “There are 10 million refugees around the world and 35% of this population are women”.

She was speaking at closing ceremony of the conference and added: “war and violence doesn’t prefer men and women and there are many people whom are the victims of this phenomenon every day but women and children are the first victims of a battle although they have no roles in it.

Mrs.Mowlaverdi noted to the great benefits of the non-governmental organizations for fugitives of war and said:” NGOs can take big steps in order to provide protection and making life a little simpler for these victims.”

As she revealed, Iran is the second resettlement country in the world for hosting the Afghan refugees.

She hoped for them to find a condition to get back to their country and lives and try to make their nation.

She stated that “only 10 percent of the peace negotiators around the world are women and they are forbidden to involve in these actions but experiences show that the peace agreements with women involvements have more strength and stability.”

She determined better achievements of world peace only if women had equal rights with men.

She pointed to the president’s annual speech at the United Nations about issuing a resolution with the name” world against violence and extremism “and hoped for women's more unity to achieve a peaceful world.

The 2 days conference was held with accompaniment of Haami organizations and supporting network for refuges in Tehran Homa Hotel.

The chief of women and kids supporting association revealed that there are 2.5 million immigrants in Iran and about 1 million people of this population are refugees.

According to the Iran’s student news (ISNA) report, Mrs.Fatemeh Ashrafi had speech in the international refuges supporting conference pointed to the serious need of Afghanistan for international attention and said the people of the country force to refuge to other countries such as Iran and this is due to the conditions of this country.

She added, “As the violence increases in the world, refugees are also increased and this is a serious human concern.”

Ashrafi mentioned to the worries of Afghan people about their country and said these worries do not let the Afghan’s refugees to return to their own country and this should be an international concern in order to find a way to reduce their problems.

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