Zanjireh omid, a house for returning the children and continuing the treatment

Children who needed medical services (sub specialized operations), care and nursing, returned to their house, Zanjireh Omid, once again by the beginning of the new year.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Zanjire Omid international charity institute, provided medical services such as sub specialized operations in three fields of cardiac, orthopedic and constructive and also provides post operation services like rehabilitation services( physiotherapy, speech therapy, etc) to its under supporting children at the hospitals and its residence till the last days of the year 1401, like previous years and it has resumed its previous activities by the beginning of the new year so, Children returned to Zanjireh Omid for receiving medical services.

According to the report of public relations of Zanjireh Omid international charity institute and based on the available reports, since Farvardin 5th, children who had cardiac operation used the in-patient services at the hospital and children who needed clap foot orthopedic treatment or orthopedic services have received these services as well.

By the opening of the residence of Zanjire Omid, after holidays, the children will be provided with the medical services which were previously assessed by the the doctors of Zanjireh Omid.

Therefore, at the same time which the holidays ended, 8 children were at Zanjireh Omid to benefit from the rehabilitation services, occupational therapy, nursing (physiotherapy, speech therapy, etc.) which these number will increase in coming days based on assessments. According to this report, there were 13 children with their mothers at the residence of Zanjireh Omid till the last days of Esfand, 1401.

The girls and boys of Zanjireh Omid have comeback to their house once again to recover and regain their health after treatment.

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